Tuesday & Thursday 4:30pm
In this class, Karate basics and techniques are taught, and mitts are used to practice punches and kicks.
The importance of using one's voice to focus energy, as well as Japanese Dojo etiquette is also taught in class.
Tuesday & Thursday 5:45pm
This class is similar to the Peewee class in that karate basics are taught.
Kids learn more advanced techniques, kumite, or controlled sparring, and Kata, form exercises.
Weapons are also introduced in this class.
Tuesday & Thursday 7:00pm
This class teaches all the fundamentals of karate. Strikes, kicks, blocks, form exercises, weapons, kumite, and dojo protocol.
This class is open to all belts, and each student is taught according to their belt rank and level.
Saturday 11:15am - 12:15pm
This class is for adults and kids. Parents and their children can train together.
Monday 4:30pm, Wednesday 4:45pm
This class does not follow the traditional karate class mold and instead focuses on striking, fitness and conditioning.
Monday & Wednesday 5:45pm
Traditional karate basics and form exercises will not be covered in this class.
Instead, students will practice using effective strikes and techniques that can be used in the Suzuki Dojo hosted "Karate Spirit" tournament.
Tuesday 7:00pm
This class focuses on training for the Suzuki Dojo hosted "Karate Spirit" tournament. Kumite and striking.
Monday 5:20pm
Students practice Kata, form exercises, with weapons. The Tonfa and Nunchaku are used.
Yellow belts and up may participate.
Monday & Wednesday 6:45pm, Thursday 8:00pm
Fitness is the focus of this class and not fighting.
Kickboxing is good for self defense, building strength and stamina, and conditioning.
Private lessons are available to people who cannot make regular classes; who want to improve in certain areas; and who desire extra training before belt tests.
Students can request private lessons in the morning, afternoon, weekends, holidays, any time when there are no classes.
Private lessons start from 30 minutes.
Kids Day Camp will be held on school holidays from 9am to 3:15pm, and for two months during summer vacation, starting from the end of June to the end of August.
There will be 3 classes a day so kids will improve at an accelerated rate.
Besides Karate, kids will have a chance to exercise their art skills during "Art Time."
Snacks and beverages will be provided, ensuring that the kids have a fun, educational, and memorable time.